KidsLab(KANSEI Information Design and System Lab.)にようこそ.本研究室は,「感性」をメインテーマとし,人の感性をコンピュータでシミュレーションするための感性モデル(=人工感性),人々を幸せにするための製品や情報サービスの実現を目指しています.具体的には,生理・心理学,デザイン学,統計学,情報学を用いた,以下のような研究を進めています.
- 感性をモデル化する研究
- 一人ひとりにあったモノ・コトを見つける情報サービス
- 感性を拡充させる仕組みの研究
- 人々が新しいモノ・コトに興味を持ち,自ら行動できるように支援するサービス
- 気分をポジティブにする仕組みの研究
- 人々の気分が楽しくなったり,落ち着いたりできるようなサービスやコミュニケーションロボット
本研究室は,研究室のテーマの範囲内で,自らアイデアを出し,ゼミのみんなと積極的に議論・協力しながら,生理・心理学,デザイン学,統計学(機械学習),情報学(R, Python, Arduino, Fab)の学習を進めながら研究を進めていきます.
To students interested in the research of Kansei/Affective Engineering and Kansei/Affective Informatics
Welcome to KidsLab. (KANSEI Information Design and System Lab.). Our laboratory focuses on the theme of “Kansei/Affection and Well-being”. We aim to design a novel algorithm to simulate KANSEI/Affection and to develop products and information services that make people happy. Specifically, we are conducting the following research using physiology, psychology, design, statistics, and informatics.
- Design of a method of modeling KANSEI / Sense
- An application: An information service to find the things and events suitable for each individual
- Design of a method to expand KANSEI (Sense)
- An application: A service that supports people to become interested in new things and acts on their own.
- Design of a method on how to make people feel positive using technology.
- An application: Services and communication robots that make people feel happy and calm
The study policy of our laboratory is to come up with your own ideas within the scope of our laboratory’s theme, discuss them with other members, and collaborate with them.
You can study physiology and psychology and design related to emotions, and statistics (machine learning), and informatics with R and Python.
In addition, our laboratory organizes events to expand an individual’s sensibilities (card game tournaments, sports events, visits to museums, etc.)
We would love to work with students who are interested in these topics.